Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Letter to My Students

To My Students:

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

There has been so much name calling and hatred spewing from every outlet these past few months, and I'm sorry that this is the America that is your norm.  I'm sorry that in school we try to teach you to be compassionate, and kind, and to respect others, and to not bully, and yet you are surrounded by the exact opposite of that.

We have checks and balances for a reason, you are protected.  No matter your views, no matter what you think of the election, those democratic processes will be protected

I, as you should, will honor the outcome of this election.  I will not however stand for bigotry, and I will stand by my Muslim friends, my same sex family friends, my black friends, my Mexican friends, my female friends, my immigrant friends, my Native friends, my trans friends.  Silence is dangerous, and if you feel something is wrong, speak up.

Live with and love people with conflicting ideas and beliefs.  That is what makes our country great.  Learn to discuss these ideas, learn how to solve conflicts without anger.  Be a responsible civic member of society.  Learn. Ask questions.  Debate.  Because in 4 years it will be YOUR turn to decide what happens next.

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