Friday, August 28, 2015

Online High Schools

Lately on the radio I've been hearing ads for these online public high schools that have been popping up.  There is one here in Des Moines specifically, Iowa Virtual Academy. (

I've explored the site a little bit, and what sticks out to me the most is the fact that they offer the individualized learning for each student.  This individualized learning is a big part of an initiative that our district has picked up, and we are really striving for.  How do we reach each student? How do we make sure that each student is being challenged and is doing the learning that is best for them?

This online high school can offer just that.  The website says they have over 150 course options, ranging from basic core classes, elective classes, honor classes, and then they even offer AP classes.  Just looking at their catalogue for English classes, they offer the basic Comp classes, British Lit, World Lit, American Lit, Honors for each of those, and then two different tracks for AP.  Students also have the option of taking Journalism, Creative Writing, Public Speaking, or Gothic Literature.  Now, this would be comparable to any larger district, but for our kids at Baxter this about five classes more than we currently offer.  I mean Gothic Lit? How cool is that.  I try to put a little Gothic Lit into my Adv English class, but a whole semester of it? And the Honors and AP classes are invaluable.  That is something they can't get at Baxter.

So by looking at this, it would seem that this would be the better alternative than sending your student to a small Iowa District.  They get to tailor their learning to exactly what they need.  Students can take Advanced English classes, but more generalized math classes, etc.  And it is all online! What better way to get our kids college and career ready!

But.  As much as I believe our students (esp the kids at Baxter here specifically) should have more options, I stand firm that I do NOT believe that online high schools are the way to go.  Students may get more content, but they are missing out on so much more.  I believe that the high school experience should be so much more than book or academic learning.  To be fair, I am sure the teachers at IVA have some GREAT project based learning they do with their online students.  They probably have more flexibility and can really tailor the lessons for their students.  BUT.  What about the face to face discussions? What about the relationships? What about the activities? What about the friendships? Again, people may argue the "social" aspect of high school isn't for everyone.  What about the introverts? The kids who aren't involved? BUT.  Those same kids I believe benefit even more from sitting in my classroom everyday.  I think being in a school building, and building relationships with peers and teachers, and learning about academics and life skills, and being pushed outside your comfort zone are all crucial for students.

I am not against online learning.  I encourage many of my students to take online DMACC classes to get college credit and to have more options for classes.  These students are still in school.  They take just as many classroom classes as online.

I know our world is becoming more and more digital.  Everything is online and virtual, and our students do need to be savvy in those skills.  I just think those skills should be attained in the social environment of a high school setting.

Peace, Love
Ms. A